Pastoral & Wellbeing

At DBIS, recognising the importance of supporting students in their growth towards becoming independent, confident and globally aware citizens is paramount. We couple this approach with developing the social and emotional skills needed for our students to prepare for their future beyond DBIS.

Each week, our Primary school students enjoy a Learning for Life lesson, which is further enhanced by regular assemblies. Our pastoral learning, however, is not confined by a timetable, and whilst much of our wellbeing provision is embedded in the daily curriculum, our students’ personal, social, health and economic learning takes place across diverse topics, such as building positive relationships and developing growth mindsets.

Students also have extra opportunities to develop friendships and social skills, both within the DBIS community and with students from other schools. Social and emotional development is supported through various initiatives, including lunch club activities and leadership opportunities such as Friendship Finders, in which students support peers in making connections with others.

Older Primary students also encourage younger children through our inter-year buddy system, which sees them partner up with Early Years classes and meet throughout the year to cooperate and complete practical challenges and support one another's learning.

Further support is also offered through group sessions with our dedicated Wellbeing team, while our Head of Wellbeing and School Counsellor are available for 1:1 sessions where needed.